This was my first ever experience of
Legs Bums and Tums and Kirkstall Leisure centre... perhaps because
I've always been too ashamed to say the name of the class to the
staff members looking to collect payment, or perhaps because I've
never felt I was too bothered about my legs and bum, and one out of
three seems like false economy.
And yet, the time came, this Monday,
when I decided that any exercise class will do, and so I gathered my
strength and my things and whizzed on over for an hour of toning.
When I got there, five minutes late as
usual, everyone was sat on their steps waiting patiently. I got some
equipment together – it always feels good to get a mat, it suggests
a leisurely lie down, even though the reality is a little different,
but the step and the weights made me nervous – and sat alongside
everyone else.
Fifteen minutes had passed by the time
the instructors came flying in. Immediately, she set the music to
BLAST-OUT level and began “WOO”- and “YEAH”-ing loudly to
bring us out of our waiting-around coma.
To start with, the warm up felt like a
deja vu of the Zumba class I'd gone to at the start of what I'm
becoming more and more convinced was an ill-conceived fitness effort.
It made sense, it was the same instructor, why wouldn't she use the
same warm up? But is it all going to be the same?
No. First she had us lunging for 3x16
repetitions. And then a different lunge with weights, 3x16. And then
a third one. And then step-ups on the step and kicking in the air,
3x16 repetitions. No, not on the small step setting, on the taller
one, that's right. And again. And now, quickly, onto the mat. Kick
out. And now to the side, 3x16. And now the other leg. 3x16. And now
PULSE for a count of 32.
Are you warm yet?
No I'm just naturally a shade of
crimson and a fountain of perspiration.
Now lie on your side and lift your leg
up for 3x16 repetitions. AND PULSE! And now the other side. And now
lying flat lift your legs up. STRAIGHT. THAT'S NOT STRAIGHT. And
now... Sitting bone... HOLD IT... hold...
Genuinely, by this stage, I was
lightheaded and exhausted. I don't mean like when you're on the verge
of sweat and you're a bit tired. I mean like I can't lift myself up
on my arms to rotate onto my other side to do the leg lifts. My leg
muscles were quivering and shivering and promising profusely that
they will tone up and slim down, just please never do this again. I
was worried they may not manage the 7-minute drive home...
It is only today (Friday) that I am
without pain. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday groaning every time I got
up, sat down, walked, smiled, took a breath... Thursday I could see
the light at the end of the tunnel and today, my poor body is back to
a relative normal.
I will take part of the blame. I
shouldn't have pushed myself to this stage given how hugely unfit I
am. I knew it was too much, but I felt like every lift, lunge and
crunch was costing me a few pennies of this class, and I wanted
value. I will also attribute some blame to the instructor, who I am
convinced raced through each exercise to make up the 15 minutes she was late by, and
the time came from the bits in between where you catch your breath.
Will I go again on Monday? Possibly,
because knowledge is power.
Monday, 8-9pm, Kirkstall Leisure Centre